Human Interfaces: Induction
The project is an ongoing exploration of the concept of augmented embodiment, in which the bodies of performers equipped with portable devices and sensors are considered as interfaces.
Magnets, microcontrollers, magnetic field sensors, as well as sensors that register body position and environmental parameters, are fixed on the body of each dancer. Microcontrollers and sensors connected to them form a p2p-network that fixes the special positions of two or more bodies ("clients") inside the space. The designed interfaces make it possible to expand the haptic interaction of bodies into the field of induction fields.
The data captured by the NodeMCU microcontrollers affects the generative graphics and sound that form the ambiance - a unified field of experience,
in which the senses can be flexibly transferred from one state to another, where the expanded sense of touch is the link in the course of this transfer.
Each show is a separate documented improvisation study. The performers receive short instructions before the show, while their study of the system being created takes place without rehearsals during the performance itself.
The first show of the performance, Coworking "Ajax", Vladivostok, 07.12.2018
The second show of the performance, Center for Contemporary Art "Khlebozavod", Vladivostok, 19.01.2019
The third show of the performance, Center for Observation and Research of Contemporary Art "Artservatory", Khabarovsk, 23.03.2019
The fourth show of the performance, "Electromuseum", Moscow, 01.08.2019
The fifth show of the performance, Theater "Mesto", Yekaterinburg, 08/22/2019
There are 3 types of processes studied by dancers through sensors: mutual induction - p2p-interaction, by activating sensors of another interface; self-induction - an independent study of the capabilities of your interface; interaction with the environment.
Project by Marina Muzyka, Olesya Ilyenok, Andrey Chugunov, Valeria Polshina.
Led by Aristarkh Chernyshev, Nikita Malyavin
Made in Far Eastern Federal University, –Da. Master Program in Digital Art. School of Digital Economics.